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A Shadowless mind drama excercises

A shadowless MINd

According to research, approximately one in four young people experiences harmful effects caused by substance abuse or mental health problems at home. The most common disadvantage is the feeling of shame. In many cases, it prevents one from seeking help and talking about the issue.

The objective of Shadowless Mind is to increase young people’s awareness of the fact that difficult issues are being faced at everyone’s home, although in different degrees of severity. No one should feel inferior to another, nor should anyone be labeled because of their parents’ problems. Another one of our objectives is to learn how to help a friend, if (s)he appears to be distressed.

In order to promote these goals, FinFami and A-Clinic Foundation have produced the Shadowless Mind short film and exercises for the use of groups at lower secondary education . The story features actress Sari Havas as the mother and actor Kuutti Huhtala as the son. In the film, the mother’s depression and, hence, her increased alcohol consumption result in the son’s negative reactions at school and in hobbies.

A shadowless mind is perseverance in a challenging life situation, courage to ask for help, and belief in one’s own abilities and possibilities. It is also open-mindedness, understanding, and being helpful to others.

FinFamin ja A-klinikkasäätiön Varjoton mieli -draamakokonaisuus_kuva Marika Finne

How to use the material

The ’Shadowless mind’ material consists of a story narrated in video format and related tasks. Before you begin working with young people, read the instructor’s guide and familiarize yourself with the story and the working method. The video material was recorded in 2017, and the visual appearance reflects the style of its time. This is good to communicate when presenting the video to young people and make it a fun feature.

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Jaana Saarelainen
Jaana Saarelainen

Asiantuntija, järjestö- ja henkilöstöasiat

p. 045 860 9343
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