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Gambling is a problem for many – webinar focuses on gambling as a phenomenon and the mental, social, and financial harms it causes. The webinar will be held on Wednesday, 15 May., from 13:00 to 15:30 (GMT+2).

Gambling is often seen as a harmless pastime, but for some of us, it becomes a problem. Gamblers are not alone with their problem, but it also affects family members, relatives, friends, and colleagues.

The Webinar, jointly organized by FinFami (Finnish Central Association of Families of People with mental illness) and THL (Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare), is intended for mental health professionals, FinFami employees, volunteers, relatives, and anyone interested.

The event will be streamed and recorded.

Registration 10.5. by this Webropol link.


Research results

13.00–13.30 How does gambling appear in the lives of relatives, and what is the connection between gambling and mental health? Johanna Järvinen-Tassopoulos, research manager THL

Gambling and loved ones as a phenomenon

13:30–14:00 Problem gambling: prevalence and gambling-related harms for affected others, Sari Castren, research manager THL

14.00–14.25 Gambling through the eyes of a loved one, experience expert, FinFami Etelä-Pohjanmaa ry

14:25-14:30  Break

14.30-15.00 Problem gambling in the United States – Youth gambling, family impacts, mental health and interventions. Marc N. Potenza, M.D., Ph.D. Steven M. Southwick Professor of Psychiatry, Yale University

Tools and ways to support

15:00–15:15 The third wheel: money. The perspective of economic recovery, Jenna Mäkelä, project designer, Money at Stake project, Sosped Foundation

15.15-15.30 Tools and ways to support loved ones, Salla Ristolainen, specialist, FinFami ry

Lisätiedot ja yhteydenotot

Jan-Eerik Leppänen
Jan-Eerik Leppänen

Asiantuntija, järjestöhallinto

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